Pilot: Schiphol tower, SA 84 is righthand downwind runway 27.
Pilot (to copilot): Where is that bloody runway?
Tower: SA 84, the runway is at your other righthand side and you are
cleared for lefthand base leg.
Pilot: Request the present weather?
Radar: Ten eights on the deck.
Pilot: How con you have ten eights?
Radar: Well, yesterday we had eights and today it's much worse.
Navigator: Do you see a large town at your left 10 o’clock at two miles?
Pilot: No.
Navigator: Well, what about a 600 feet mast at our right 3 o’clock at four miles?
Pilot: No.
Navigator: A disused airfield dead ahead at 3 miles, maybe?
Pilot: Certainly not!
Navigator: There is no doubt about it - we’re lost!
Tower: KLM 641, what's your height?
Pilot: My height is six feet two, without shoes.
Pilot 1: Let's make a 360 back home.
Pilot 2: Roger.
Tower: You have traffic at 10 o’clock, six miles.
Pilot: Give us another hint. We have digital watches.
Passenger: How long takes a flight from Australia to Copenhagen?
Clerk: One moment.
Passenger: Thank you.
GCA: Mission 1234, do you have problems?
Pilot: I think I have lost my compass.
GCA: Judging the way you are flying, it looks like you have lost
the whole instrument panel.
Briefer: During the airshow the minimum altitude for all participants
will be 300 feet, gentlemen.
Pilot: Roger, let’s compare shoes. My feet are 39 but yours look like 43 at least.
Tower: Redskin Green, the airfield is at your 2 o’clock position.
Pilot: Roger, is that local time or GMT?
Pilot: LM 184 is at holding fix again (for the seventh time).
Radar: What’s your destination?
Pilot: Standby, I forgot, I have to ask my copilot.
Range: Did you drop a bomb on this run?
Pilot: Affirmative.
Range: In that case, the score is „out of range“
Tower: Aircraft on final, overshoot, overshoot, your gear is up!
Pilot: Tower, can you say again, this horn is making such a noise.
Tower (fragt ergänzend nach dem Flugzeugmuster): Und was ist Ihr Typ?
Pilot: Rothaarig.
Pilot: Approach, Federate 303 is with you at 8000 feet for vectors ILS, full stop.
Controller: Unable Federate 303. The ILS is out of service.
Pilot: We’ll take VOR then.
Controller: Sir, the VOR is in alarm right now!
Pilot: Okay, guess it’ll have to be the ADF then.
Controller: 303, unable. The ADF is down due to traffic saturation.
Pilot: Okay, approach, state my intentions.
Segelfliegerschüler( nach seinem Standort gefragt:
......äh, Hotel Bravo 1630 downhill.
LH-Pilot (im Anflug auf Berlin, kurz nach dem Brünkendorf VOR).
Pilot: Warum holen Sie uns denn schon so früh so weit runter? Sie wissen doch,
daß das Fliegen in derart niedriger Höhe für uns unwirtschaftlich ist.
Controller: Ja, Sie müssen schon entschuldigen, aber wir haben sehr viel Verkehr von
Tegel aus in ihre Richtung, und mit dem könnten Sie zusammenstoßen.
Pilot: Na, das wäre ja noch viel unwirtschaftlicher.
Tower: Alitalia 439, line up and wait runway 23L.
Pilot: Roger, line up and wait, Alitalia 23L.
Controller: Delta Quebec Alpha, fliegen Sie in die Kontrollzone auf Steuerkurs 240
bis zum Anschneiden des Endanfluges Landebahn 14R.
Pilot: Fliege in die Kontrollzone auf Steuerkurs 240 bis zum Endeinschlag
auf der 14R.
Pilot: Washington Radar, United 916, we have just been struck by a tremendous lightning.
Controller: United 916, roger, do you have any problems?
Pilot: Not really, we have just have to change our underwear.
Pilot: Santa Monica Tower, be advised that there are numerous pigeons on short final.
Tower: Roger. They are all on frequency and cleared to land.
Pilot: Leibertingen Segelflug, ich finde den Platz nicht.
Boden: Wo ist deine Position?
Pilot: Ich bin da nördlich von einem Maibaum, ein großer und drei kleine.
Boden: Maibäume gibt’s jetzt nicht mehr viele.
Anderer Pilot: Du, ich glaube, der meint die Sender bei Rohrdorf.
(Damit lag er richtig.)
Controller: CRX 500, are you on course SUL?
Pilot: More or less.
Controller: So proceed a little more to SUL.
Absetzpilot: Düsseldorf Radar, guten Tag, D-EFCC, Deppenwerfen over Meiersberg,
request to climb to FL 100.
Pilot: McGuire Aprroach, Piper 1234 requesting flight following.
Controller: Piper 1234, say your final destination.
Pilot: Piper 1234 is going to east 60th Street Manhattan.
Fliegerwitze I Fliegerwitze
II Fliegerwitze III
Fliegerwitze IV Fliegerwitze