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Trail: Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing
Lesson: Converting to Swing

Conversion Resources

If you haven't already read How Are Swing Components Different from AWT Components?(in the Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing trail), consider reading it now. It provides useful background and architectural information that can put the conversion process in perspective.

This section provides the following resources to help you convert your programs to Swing:

Swing Replacements for AWT Components
Lists each AWT component and its Swing replacement, with notes about changes you might have to make to your code. Additionally, the table sometimes notes when you might want to upgrade to a more full-featured Swing component. For example, you might want to replace an AWT text field with a Swing password field instead of a regular Swing text field.
General Conversion Tips
Provides information about general conversion issues such as empty space, painting, and so on.
Component-Specific Conversion Tips
Provides details about converting specific components, such as applets and text areas, that tend to require more work to convert.
Some Conversion Examples
Shows how we converted some of the examples in the tutorial. Each example is a complete program--either an applet or an application.

Another useful section is the last section in this lesson, Solving Common Conversion Problems, which describes how to solve some problems you might encounter during conversion.

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