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Trail: JavaBeans(TM)

Lesson: The BeanInfo Interface

The following documentation will help you learn about reflection, introspection, and the BeanInfo class:
How does a builder tool examine a Bean and expose its features (properties, events, and methods) in a property sheet? By using the java.beans.Introspector class. The Introspector class uses the JDK core reflection API to discover a Bean's methods, and then applies the JavaBeans design patterns to discover the Beans features. This discovery process is named introspection.

Alternatively, you can explicitly expose a Bean's features in a separate, associated class that implements the BeanInfo interface. By associating a BeanInfo class with your Bean, you can:

BeanInfo defines methods that return descriptors for each property, method, or event that you want exposed. Here's the prototypes for these methods:

PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors();
MethodDescriptor[]   getMethodDescriptors();
EventSetDescriptor[] getEventSetDescriptors();
Each of these methods returns an array of descriptors for each feature.

Feature Descriptors

BeanInfo classes contain descriptors that precisely describe the target Bean's features. The BDK implements the following descriptor classes:

The BeanInfo interface declares methods that return arrays of the above descriptors.

Creating a BeanInfo Class

This section uses the ExplicitButtonBeanInfo demo class to illustrate creating a BeanInfo class. Here are the general steps to make a BeanInfo class:

  1. Name your BeanInfo class. You must append the string "BeanInfo" to the target class name. If the target class name is ExplicitButton, then its associated Bean information class must be named ExplicitButtonBeanInfo

  2. Subclass SimpleBeanInfo. This is a convenience class that implements BeanInfo methods to return null, or an equivalent no-op value.
    public class ExplicitButtonBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo {
    Using SimpleBeanInfo saves you from implementing all the BeanInfo methods; you only have to override those methods you need.

  3. Override the appropriate methods to return the properties, methods, or events that you want exposed. ExplicitButtonBeanInfo overrides the getPropertyDescriptors() method to return four properties:
    public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
        try {  
            PropertyDescriptor background =
                new PropertyDescriptor("background", beanClass);
            PropertyDescriptor foreground =
                new PropertyDescriptor("foreground", beanClass);
            PropertyDescriptor font =
                new PropertyDescriptor("font", beanClass);
            PropertyDescriptor label =
                new PropertyDescriptor("label", beanClass);
            PropertyDescriptor rv[] =
                {background, foreground, font, label};
            return rv;
        } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
             throw new Error(e.toString());
    There are two important things to note here:
    • If you leave a descriptor out, that property, event or method will not be exposed. In other words, you can selectively expose properties, events, or methods by leaving out those you don't want exposed.
    • If a feature's getter (for example, getMethodDescriptor()) method returns null, low-level reflection is then used for that feature. This means, for example, that you can explicitly specify properties, and let low-level reflection discover the methods. If you don't override the SimpleBeanInfo default method, which returns null, low-level reflection will be used for that feature.

  4. Optionally associate an icon with the target Bean.
    public java.awt.Image getIcon(int iconKind) {
        if (iconKind == BeanInfo.ICON_MONO_16x16 ||
            iconKind == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_16x16 )
            java.awt.Image img = loadImage("ExplicitButtonIcon16.gif");
            return img;
        if (iconKind == BeanInfo.ICON_MONO_32x32 ||
            iconKind == BeanInfo.ICON_COLOR_32x32 )
            java.awt.Image img = loadImage("ExplicitButtonIcon32.gif");
            return img;
        return null;
    The BeanBox displays this icon next to the Bean name in the ToolBox. You can expect builder tools to do the same.

  5. Specify the target Bean class, and, if the Bean has a customizer, specify it also.
    public BeanDescriptor getBeanDescriptor() {
        return new BeanDescriptor(beanClass, customizerClass);
    private final static Class beanClass = ExplicitButton.class;
    private final static Class customizerClass = OurButtonCustomizer.class;

Keep the BeanInfo class in the same directory as its target class. The BeanBox first searches for a target Bean's BeanInfo class in the target Bean's package path. If no BeanInfo is found, then the Bean information package search path (maintained by the Introspector) is searched. The default Bean information search path is sun.beans.infos. If no BeanInfo class is found, then low-level reflection is used to discover a Bean's features.

Using BeanInfo to Control What Features are Exposed

If you rely on low-level reflection to discover your Bean's features, all those properties, methods, and events that conform to the appropriate design patterns will be exposed in a builder tool. This includes any features in all base classes. If the BeanBox finds an associated BeanInfo class, then that information is used instead, and no more base classes are examined using reflection. In other words, BeanInfo information overrides low-level reflection information, and prevents base class examination.

By using a BeanInfo class, you can expose subsets of a particular Bean feature. For example, by not returning a method descriptor for a particular method, that method will not be exposed in a builder tool.

When you use a BeanInfo class:

Locating BeanInfo Classes

Before examining a Bean, the Introspector will attempt to find a BeanInfo class associated with the Bean. By default, the Introspector takes the target Bean's fully qualified package name, and appends "BeanInfo" to form a new class name. For example, if the target Bean is sunw.demo.buttons.ExplicitButton, then the Introspector will attempt to locate sunw.demo.buttons.ExplicitButtonBeanInfo.

If that fails, then each package in the BeanInfo search path is searched. The BeanInfo search path is maintained by Introspector.setBeanInfoSearchPath() and Introspector.getBeanInfoSearchPath().

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