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Trail: Putting It All Together
Lesson: BINGO!

Managing Program Settings in the Player

The Player application provides a number of UI widgets that allow a user to change various settings such as the player's name, the number of cards to play, and whether to beep to announce each ball.

[PENDING: put picture of player with callouts here]

As you can see from the diagram, the settings for the Player application that the user can change are:

As an added convenience, the Player application remembers these settings between invocations so that each time the user invokes the Player application its UI can be initialized with the values used in the last game.

One class is the central repository for all program settings in the Player: the PlayerParameters(in a .java source file) class. For each program setting, PlayerParameters declares one member variable to contain its current value, and two methods, one to set (or change) the value and one to get it. For example, here is the declaration for the member variable in PlayerParameters that stores the player's name, and the two methods that set and get it:

. . .
private String name = "";
. . .
void setName(String name) { = name;
String getName() {
    return name;
Note that the setName method calls another method named saveParameters which saves the now changed properties to a file on the file system. All the settings but one, the random number seed, is remembered between invocations of the Player application.

PlayerParameters manages the values of the settings for the program. The work of saving the settings to the Player's properties file and restoring them from the same file is done by its superclass Parameters(in a .java source file).

Parameters is an abstract class with three abstract methods that must be implemented by its subclasses. These three methods bridge setting values as maintained by the PlayerParameters class and their String representations saved to a file. Parameters uses the JDK's Properties(in the API reference documentation) class to store the String representation of each setting and save and restore them.

How it Works

When the Player first starts up, it loads the last-saved properties and uses them to initialize its UI. The Player and the Game use the JDK's Properties class to save and restore program settings, so they are stored as Strings in as key/value pairs like this:
player.shouldbeep=false campione
The method used to load the properties is implemented in PlayerParameters' superclass, Parameters, and looks like this:
protected void getParameters() {
    Properties defaults = new Properties();
    FileInputStream in = null;


    properties = new Properties(defaults);

    try {
        String folder = System.getProperty("user.home");
        String filesep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
        in = new FileInputStream(folder
            + filesep
            + propertiesFilename);

    } catch ( e) {
        in = null;
        ErrorMessages.error("Can't find properties file. " +
                            "Using defaults.");
    } catch ( e) {
        ErrorMessages.error("Can't read properties file. " +
                            "Using defaults.");
    } finally {
        if (in != null) {
            try { in.close(); } catch ( e) { }
            in = null;


This method does three things:
  1. calls setDefaults to set up default values which will be used if there are no properties saved or if there are any errors while reading them. (This method call is shown in bold)
  2. loads the properties from the file. (This is the code in the big try statement.)
  3. calls updateSettingsFromProperties to update the program settings from the properties just read. (This method call is also shown in bold.)
Note that setDefaults and updateSettingsFromProperties are abstract methods in the Parameters class. These methods are implemented in its concrete subclasses such as PlayerParameters. This is appropriate because Parameters does the generic work of saving and restoring the properties and its two subclasses PlayerParameters and GameParameters manage the specific program settings for each program.

Remember that the program settings are stored as human-readable text. setDefaults and updateSettingsFromProperties convert the values from Strings to the appropriate type at this time.

Whenever a program setting is modified and that change takes affect, the settings are saved to the file. For example, here's PlayerParameters's setHostname method that changes the hostname.

void setHostname(String hostname) {
    this.hostname = hostname;
This method calls saveParameters a method implemented by the parent class Parameters
protected void saveParameters() {


    if (DEBUG) {
        System.out.println("Just set properties: "
                           + propertiesDescription);

    FileOutputStream out = null;

    try {
        String folder = System.getProperty("user.home");
        String filesep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
        out = new FileOutputStream(folder
			           + filesep
			           + propertiesFilename);, propertiesDescription);
    } catch ( e) {
        ErrorMessages.error("Can't save properties. " +
			    "Oh well, it's not a big deal.");
    } finally {
        if (out != null) {
	    try { out.close(); } catch ( e) { }
	    out = null;
This method converts the settings as stored in the program to Strings by calling the updatePropertiesFromSettings method which is declared abstract in Parameters and implemented by PlayerParameters. Next the method saves the properties to a file.

You should note the use of the JDK's Properties class to store the String representations of the program settings, and save and restore them to the file system.

Managing the Game's Settings

The Game application also provides a UI for modifying settings for the entire game (such as maximum number of players, maximum number of wolf cries and so on):

[PENDING: put picture of game with callouts here]

Like the Player application, the Game application uses one class, the GameParameters(in a .java source file) class, to manage its settings. GameParameters is also a subclass of Parameters. The code in this class is very similar to that in the Player and we leave it to you to figure out.

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