The JavaTM Tutorial
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Trail: JDK(TM) 1.1 -- And Beyond!
Lesson: Migrating to 1.1

How to Convert Your Program

This section tells you how to convert programs that use deprecated API. This section does not tell you how to use the JDK's new features unless a new feature's API replaces deprecated API. For example, this section doesn't discuss substituting RMI for your existing networking code, since the original networking code is still valid. However, this section does tell you how to update to the new AWT event system, since the API for the old AWT event system is deprecated.

This section has four subsections:

General Instructions

  1. First, save a copy of the original program -- both the Java source code (.java files) and the Java bytecodes (.class files). You'll need the copy until all the Java runtime systems the program might execute in have been converted to 1.1 or a later release. Here's an example of saving a copy of a program on a UNIX system:
    % cp
    % cp MyClass.class MyClass.class.orig
  2. Get a list of the deprecated API the program uses by compiling the program with deprecation warnings turned on. Make sure you're using a 1.1 compiler. Here's an example of compiling on a UNIX or Windows system:
    % javac -deprecation

    If your program calls or overrides any deprecated methods, the compiler displays a warning. For example: Note: The method boolean handleEvent(
    java.awt.Event) in class java.awt.Component has been deprecated,
    and class MyClass overrides it.
        public boolean handleEvent(Event event) {
                       ^ Note: The method boolean handleEvent(
    java.awt.Event) in class java.awt.Component has been deprecated.
            return super.handleEvent(event);
    Note: uses a deprecated API.  Please consult the
    documentation for a better alternative.
    2 warnings

    Note: The original JDK 1.1 compiler warns you only when a program calls a deprecated method, not when it overrides it. Starting with 1.1.1, the Java compiler warns you of both overridden and called deprecated methods.

  3. Now that you have identified where your program uses deprecated API, modify the program to use new alternative API instead. The following sections can help you find the best alternative API:

  4. Once your program compiles without warnings, test it by executing it. It should work as well as or better than it worked before.

    If your program doesn't work the way you expected it to, then you have probably either implemented a new feature incorrectly or encountered an incompatible change. See the relevant section in this tutorial for help implementing any new features. See JDK 1.1 Compatibility for a list of incompatible changes between 1.0 and 1.1.

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