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Trail: JDBC(TM) Database Access
Lesson: JDBC Basics

Milestone: The Basics of JDBC

You have just reached a milestone.

With what we have done so far, you have learned the basics of JDBC. You have seen how to create a table, insert values into it, query the table, retrieve results, and update the table. These are the nuts and bolts of using a database, and you can now utilize them in a program written in the Java programming language using the JDBC 1.0 API. We have used only very simple queries in our examples so far, but as long as the driver and DBMS support them, you can send very complicated SQL queries using only the basic JDBC API we have covered so far.

The rest of this lesson looks at how to use features that are a little more advanced: prepared statements, stored procedures, and transactions. It also illustrates warnings and exceptions and gives an example of how to convert a JDBC application into an applet. The final part of this lesson is sample code that you can run yourself.

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