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Trail: JavaBeans(TM)
Lesson: Using the BeanBox

The BeanBox Menus

The following tables explain each item in the BeanBox File, Edit, and View menus.

File Menu
Menu Item Action
Save Saves the Beans currently in the BeanBox, including each Bean's size, position, and internal state. The saved file can be loaded via File|Load.
SerializeComponent... Saves the Beans in the BeanBox to a serialized (.ser) file. This file must be put in a .jar file to be useable by the BeanBox.
MakeApplet... Generates an applet from the BeanBox contents.
Load... Loads saved files into the BeanBox. This command will not load .ser files.
LoadJar... Loads a JAR file's contents into the ToolBox.
Print Prints an image of the BeanBox contents.
Clear Removes the BeanBox contents.
Exit Quits the BeanBox without offering to save.

Edit Menu
Menu Item Action
Cut Removes the Bean selected in the BeanBox. The cut Bean is serialized, and can then be pasted.
Copy Copies the Bean selected in the BeanBox. The copied Bean is serialized, and can then be pasted.
Paste Drops the last cut or copied Bean into the BeanBox.
Report... Generates an introspection report for the selected Bean.
Events Lists the selected Bean's event-firing methods, grouped by the Java interface that declares the methods.
Bind property... Lists all the selected Bean's bound property methods, if any.

View Menu
Menu Item Action
Disable Design Mode/Enable Design Mode Removes the ToolBox and the Properties sheet from the screen. Eliminates all BeanBox design and test behavior (selected Bean, etc.), and makes the BeanBox behave like an application.
Hide Invisible Beans/Show Invisible Beans Hides or shows Beans with no GUI.

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