Thank you for writing to tutorial@java.sun.com.
You've reached the authors of The Java(tm) Tutorial--an online guide to programming using the Java platform. We invite you to read The Java Tutorial at its permanent home:
Or if you prefer, you can download the tutorial for free and read it without being connected to the Web. Here's the URL for our download page, which includes information about where to go if you have trouble downloading or unarchiving the tutorial:
We skim or read all the mail sent to tutorial@java.sun.com. However due to the volume of mail we receive, we generally reply only to those messages that are related to our current projects or to those with which we can help. So, if your e-mail contained a question, you might want to check one of the following resources for help:
If you're having trouble with the Tutorial's HelloWorld program, go to the following URL:
This page provides detailed instructions for compiling and running HelloWorld and shows you how to jump the hurdles that beginners often encounter.http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/getStarted/cupojava/index.html
In particular, check out these excellent resources you can find there:http://developer.java.sun.com/
Thank you for writing and good luck with your Java programs.
The Java Tutorial Team
Mary Campione
Kathy Walrath
Alison Huml