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Trail: Essential Java Classes
Lesson: I/O: Reading and Writing (but no 'rithmetic)

Questions and Exercises: I/O: Reading and Writing (but no 'rithmetic)


1. What class would you use to read a few pieces of data that are at known positions near the end of a large file?

2. What class in the the API reference documentation) package gives you access to the entries in a ZIP archive and allows you to read those entries through a stream?

3. How would you append data to the end of a file? Show the constructor for the class you would use and explain your answer.

4. Suppose you wanted to write code that reads from a file one word at a time. The code needs to peek ahead to find where the words are separated by whitespace. What input stream could you use to accomplish this?

5. How can you improve the performance of the following code? Explain your answer and show the new line(s) of code.

int i;
URL url = new URL("");
URLConnection javaSite = url.openConnection();
InputStream input = javaSite.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(input);
while ((i = != -1) {


1. Modify the program discussed in the section How to Use Pipe Streams(in the Essential Java Classes trail) so that it uses input streams and output streams in place of readers and writers.

2. Implement a pair of classes, one Reader and one Writer, that count the number of times a particular character, such as e, is read or written. The character can be specified when the stream is created. Write a program to test your classes. You can use farrago.txt(in a .java source file) as the input file.

3. The file datafile(in a .java source file) begins with a single long that tells you the offset of a single int piece of data within the same file. Using the RandomAccessFile class, write a program that gets the int piece of data. What is the int data?

4. In this exercise, you'll implement object serialization for the Card2(in a .java source file) class.

a. Rename the class Card3 and make it serializable.

b. Create a program named CardWriter that creates a Card3 instance, displays its value, and serializes it into a file named card.out. Here is an example of what CardWriter might display:

      Card to write is: Ace of Spades

c. Create a program named CardReader that reads the Card3 object from card.out and displays its value. For example:

      Card read is: Ace of Spades

Check your answers.(in the Essential Java Classes trail)

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