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Trail: 2D Graphics

Lesson: Solving Common 2D Graphics Problems

Problem: I can run my Java2D applets with appletviewer, but they do not run in my browser. The Java console of the browser says: defn not found for java/awt/Graphics2D.
Problem: How can you write over a previous image? Our problem is that our applet displays an image of a map, but when we draw a line on top of the map, the line overwrites the map.
Problem: How do you create a BufferedImage from a gif or jpeg file?
Problem: I can't compile the source code for and with jdk1.2beta4.
Problem: Is there a way to specify a formula for a line and draw a picture according to it?
Problem: How do I add text to a graphic field at a certain location?
Problem: I noticed your comment on the bottom of Creating and Deriving Fonts regarding bug 4155852. This bug has been closed with no action taken. Is it true that you can't apply a style to fonts such as Arial?

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