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Trail: 2D Graphics

Lesson: Displaying Graphics with Graphics2D

This lesson shows you how to use Graphics2D to display graphics with fancy outline and fill styles, transform graphics when they are rendered, constrain rendering to a particular area, and generally control the way graphics look when they are rendered. You'll also learn how to create complex Shape objects by combining simple ones and how to detect when the user clicks on a displayed graphics primitive. These topics are discussed in the following sections:

Stroking and Filling Graphics Primitives

This section illustrates how to set the stroke and paint attributes to control the outline and fill styles applied to Shape objects and text.

Transforming Shapes, Text, and Images

This section shows you how to modify the default transformation so that objects are translated, rotated, scaled, or sheared when they are rendered.

Clipping the Drawing Region

You can use any shape as a clipping path--the area within which rendering takes place.

Compositing Graphics

This section illustrates the various compositing styles supported by AlphaComposite and shows you how to set the compositing style in the Graphics2D rendering context.

Controlling Rendering Quality

This section describes the rendering hints that Graphics2D supports and shows you how to specify your preference in the trade-off between rendering quality and speed.

Constructing Complex Shapes from Geometry Primitives

This section shows you how to perform boolean operations on Shape objects using the Area class.

Supporting User Interaction

This section shows you how to perform hit detection on graphics primitives.

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